Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hmm...look familiar?

So, another PS3 update 2.40 leak, and....

well, is anyone really surprised?

Great. Now I have an actual CHOICE about which e-penis needs padding when deciding between 360 and PS3 for multiplatform games. Although achievements, and soon "trophies" work to artificially pad gameplay time (and thus add to frustration and odd player behavior in multiplayer games as they try to rack up points for the gamerscore), their inclusion in the PS3's interface was only a matter of time.

Besides, "Trophies" makes way more sense than "Entitlements".

Still - this was a blatant ripoff and I think someone at M$ missed a patent opportunity here. Big time.

Expect a pro-con rant on achievements as a whole in the near future.

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