Thursday, March 13, 2008


Super Smash Bros. Brawl is incredible. The online mode stinks, though. Since just about everyone has that game anyway, I'm going to provide a review of....something else!

As for Brawl, I intend to place links to the stages I created on this blog - once I find a place to store them.

Work's getting busy, plus I'm getting ready for my Japan trip, so I haven't had as much time to review games as I would like. I plan on doing a "post mortem" on Lost Odyssey, a brief impression of DQ:S (not good so far - uh oh) and my special feature on Naruto will also be including Shippuuden EX2 (which I will be picking up in Japan and will be able to play on my Wii courtesy of the new WiiLoader...thanks Datel!)

In the meantime, HotD2&3 Return review is incoming. Is it better than Ghost Squad? Let's hope so.........

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