Thursday, May 21, 2009

My first attempt at translation

Here are the Death Smiles achievements, with titles translated for your enjoyment...along with requirements for completion (not part of the translation itself). I took some liberties with the translation - so they aren't exact but were meant to go along with the game. I wanted to test myself to see how, if this game were to be localized, would the achievements translate best. I repeat: I'm trying NOT to make literal translations here because they'd just sound too weird. I'm trying to test myself in localization :D

使い魔の進化 (5)
Familiar Evolution
Play with manual control of your option/familiar. Version 1.1 only. Use the Option Control button if playing with a stick, just waggle the right stick around if using a pad.

戦いの火蓋 (5)
The Battle Begins!
Start a game in the Arcade or XBox 360 modes

復活 (5)
Use a continue(!)

地獄の鎌 (5)
The Sickle of Hell
Defeat Deathscythe (Stage A-1 Boss)

大地に喘ぐ者 (5)
The One who Breathes the Earth
Defeat Jordan (Stage A-2 Boss)

根を下ろし立つ者 (5)
The One who Stands from Roots
Defeat Whroon (Stage B-1 Boss)

継し者 (15)
The Successor
Defeat Sakura (Stage B-2 Boss)

羊羊羊 (10)
Little Lamb, Little Lamb, Lit-tle Lamb
Defeat Mary (Stage C-1 Boss)

炎を司る双竜 (10)
The Two Dragons Governing Over Flames
Defeat Bavaria (Stage C-2 Boss)

双子の竜王 (10)
The Twin Dragon Emperors
Defeat Devaria.Givaria (EXTRA Stage Bosses)

次元の扉で叫びし者 (20)
The One Screaming at True World's Portal
Defeat Jitterbug (Last Boss)

闇の帝王 (50)
The Emperor of Darkness
Defeat Tyrannosatan (True Last Boss)

地獄への入り口 (20)
Mouth of Hell
Select LVL3 for 5 stages during a game. The 5th time you choose LVL3 you'll activate Death Mode for the rest of the game, with the star-shaped revenge bullets that your option can absorb for items

地獄の洗浄 (50)
Hell's Spring Cleaning!
Select LVL3 for all stages, play the Extra stage (Canyon), Final stage (Castle), and clear the game. The Castle stage will be at maximum rank, Death Mode Level 2

任務完全遂行 (30)
Flawless Victory...and Execution!
Clear the game without continuing

爆発物禁止 (20)
No Explosives Allowed!
Clear the game without bombing

長女 (10)
The Eldest Daughter
長女の実力 (20)
The Eldest Daughter's True Strength
Clear, 1CC the game with Rosa

二女 (10)
The Second Daughter
二女の実力 (20)
The Second Daughter's True Strength
Clear, 1CC the game with Follet

三女 (10)
The Third Daughter
三女の実力 (20)
The Third Daughter's True Strength
Clear, 1CC the game with Windia

四女 (10)
The Fourth Daughter
四女の実力 (20)
The Fourth Daughter's True Strength
Clear, 1CC the game with Casper

デイオール四姉妹 (100)
Clear the game with every character

家族との再会 (5)
Reuniting with Family
私の友人 (5)
My Friends
Return Windia to the real world or Windia remains in the spirit world

仕返しはほどほどに (5)
A So-So Strike-back...
おなかいっぱい (5)
I'm Stuffed!
Return Casper to the real world or Casper remains in the spirit world

ただいま (5)
I'm Home!
みんなでお風呂 (5)
Bath Party!
Return Follet to the real world or Follet remains in the spirit world

看板娘 (5)
Show Girl
長女の憂鬱 (5)
Eldest Daughter's Angst
Return Rosa to the real world or Rosa remains in the spirit world

デススマイルズを究めし者 (100)
Deathsmiles Master
Clear all stages at LVL3 in Death Smiles Ver 1.1, including the EX Map, without continuing

究めたエンジェル (80)
Master Angel
Clear Death Smiles Ver 1.1. Contrary to the achievement description, continuing is not allowed

大食漢 (25)
Bullet Glutton
Absorb/cancel a total of 65535 bullets with your option/familiar

お風呂マニア (25)
Bath Mania!!
Watch the ending where Follet stays behind (the bath ending) a total of 10 times

廃車処理のお仕事 (15)
Demolition Work
Destroy the car near the end of the Marsh stage (gives you a bomb) a total of 10 times

あぶねぇあぶねぇ (10)
Watch out! Watch out!
Clear any stage with a half-bar of life and no bombs remaining

食いしん坊 (25)
Pick up 4 life-up items in a single playthrough

友達に手を上げるなんてっ! (10)
What do you mean, surrender?
While playing as Windia, wait for Sakura to self-destruct (time out Sakura?)

弾幕薄いよ! (20)
Just a small...barrage!
Make it to the boss without firing, bombing, or entering power-up mode

止まって見えるわ! (5)
Stop and watch me!
Press the Pose Button(?) during any stage

お金持ちが好き (25)
I like being rich!
Collect 500 large crowns within a single stage

白馬の王子様 (10)
A prince on a white horse
Destroy one form of any boss using only bombs

億万長者 (10)
もっと億万長者 (20)
Mega billionaire
もっともっと億万長者 (50)
Mega-mega billionaire
Earn a score of over 100, 200, and 300 million points respectively

大復活 (20)
Ultimate Resurrection
Continue 50 times

実力の半分 (5)
Enter Power-up mode at 500
(... exactly 500?)

私の生きる道 (15)
My Way of Life
Return Sakura to the real world

新しい家族 (15)
A New Family
Sakura remains in the spirit world

忘れられし番人 (15)
The Forgotten Guard
Defeat Ozier (Stage 4-B Boss)

CAVEからの挑戦状 (50)
A Challenge from CAVE
Clear every level at Lv999 in one playthrough (continues allowed)

欲張りもん (25)
Natural lust ??
Build the counter to over 50,000

地獄の扉 (5)
Gates Of Hell
Select Lv999 for any level

急がば回れ (15)
More Haste, Less Speed (Slow and Steady Wins the Race)
Go to the castle stage after clearing both EXMaps (4-A and 4-B)

せっかち (5)
Go to the castle stage without entering either EXMap

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