Sunday, January 27, 2008

10 things that I learned from getting my arse kicked in a Guilty Gear tourney this weekend...

1.) Millia rushdowns don't work against anyone except No Pants Kid, who has absolutely no idea what an instant recovery is nor how to use one effectively. If you rush down a tournament player, expect to be thrown and then comboed into oblivion.

2.) One dust opening will cost you 80% of your life bar when playing against Robo Ky. And no, it's not pretty to see 80% of your lifebar magically disappear in the span of a 6-second unescapable air combo... especially when it's done to you MORE THAN ONCE.

3.) Tournaments are BYOC (bring your own controller), and nobody uses PS2 controllers. Custom arcade sticks are the norm here, folks. I still don't understand this. I like the way an arcade stick feels but for some reason I'm more accurate with my special moves on a PS2 controller. I guess I'm still a n00b.

4.) Whiffing an overdrive is a no-no, you'll be eating an extra helping of combo sandwich before you even realized what you did...

5.) Dust button is your friend. Really. Air combos FTW. As long as you're not on the receiving end, that is...

6.) Nobody plays as Jam. R1 is no longer the red-haired costume, in Accent Core either -- you hear that, No Pants Kid?

7.) Sol, Ky, Robo Ky, Slayer, Potemkin, Axl. You'll be playing against (and most likely get pwnd by) one or more of these. Guaranteed.

8.) Roman Cancels. That is all.

9.) A life bar can be depleted in less than five seconds.

10.) I've never felt more insignificant in my entire life.

The last one's a joke, of course.

I've now been reformed into tournament-style play. Today marks the beginning of my first step in "real" Guilty Gear play. HEAVEN OR HELL... LET'S ROCK!

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